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If you're new to Eins, you're in the right place!

Virtually everything Eins can do happens through a single import:

from eins import EinsOp

Let's go through some common deep learning operations as implemented in Eins, learning about what differentiates Eins from other einsum libraries along the way.


EinsOp represents a function on tensors without any concrete inputs. (It's like a module in PyTorch or JAX.)

matmul = EinsOp('a b, b c -> a c')

When you construct this operation, Eins essentially compiles a high-level program. This has two benefits over having a single function that takes in the expression and the inputs:

  • The EinsOp is an object you can inspect, serialize, or manipulate however you like. This opens the door for higher-level summaries of a program.
  • It's common to apply a single operation to many inputs of the same shape. Any work Eins does in parsing and interpreting your expression won't have to be repeated if you define the operation once.

Generalized Matrix Multiplication

When you want to apply your operation, all you need to do is call it:

Matrix multiplication
# returns x @ y
matmul = EinsOp('a b, b c -> a c')
matmul(x, y)

Eins should support any implementation of the Array API, but it specifically promises support for NumPy, PyTorch, and JAX. One of the best things about using Eins is that it frees you from having to remember the subtle differences in nomenclature and behavior between libraries.

Batched 1x1 Convolution

Eins shines when things get a little more interesting. Consider a batched 1x1 convolution that linearly maps channels in a BHWC image array to new channels.

1×1 Convolution
batch height width chan_in, chan_in chan_out ->
batch height width chan_out
''')(images, kernel)

Just like normal Python code, using descriptive identifiers helps the reader understand what's going on. Eins allows arbitrary whitespace between commas and ->.


Let's say we have images in the BHWC format like above, and we want to stack the rows into a single axis. To notate a flattened axis, we use (height width):

Flatten inner axes
# equivalent to ims.reshape(batch, height * width, channels)
EinsOp('''batch height width channels ->
          batch (height width) channels''')(ims)

You can think of the parentheses as essentially flattening.

Fancy Reshaping

Here's something you won't find in other libraries: let's say we have a batch of square images that we've flattened using something like the above, and we want to reverse it. Just tell Eins that the two axes are the same size, and it'll figure out what to do. You can either do that explicitly, by using =, or implicitly, by repeating an axis name within a single tensor.

Unflatten batch of square images
EinsOp('b (h w=h) c -> b h w c')(ims)
EinsOp('b (h h) c -> b h h c')(ims)
Eins defaults to matching up duplicate axes in the same order they appear. If you want to transpose after the unflatten, you need to use the explicit syntax.

Eins also understands explicit constants:

Unflattening 3D points
EinsOp('b (n 3) -> b n 3')(pts)

Strided Convolution/Patch Encoder

The patch encoder in a vision transformer is a specific kind of strided convolution, breaking the image into p × p squares and then linearly embedding each of them. Despite the complexity, Eins can figure everything out without any explicit shape information:

Patch encoder (ViT)
EinsOp('''batch (num_patch p) (num_patch p) chan_in,
(p p chan_in) chan_out ->
batch (num_patch num_patch) chan_out''')(images, kernel)

Eins knows chan_in from images, can use that plus the knowledge that the patches are square to deduce p, and then can figure out num_patch from there.

The constraint system Eins supports saves your fingers from having to type out redundant information and saves your brain time debugging subtle logic errors.

Specifying Shapes

Despite these efforts to figure out what you want, sometimes there are multiple potential values for a symbol, and Eins needs your help to figure out which one to do. Literal integer constants are succinct, but they lose some of the flexibility and readability of named axes. You can get the best of both worlds by passing in explicit axis mappings, using either the symbol_values argument or the = sign:

Unflatten non-square axes
EinsOp('b (h w) c -> b h w c', symbol_values={'h': 4, 'w': 16})(ims)
EinsOp('b (h=4 w=16) c -> b h w c')(ims)

You only need one of h and w specified, because Eins can deduce the other one, but sometimes it's nice to have an extra check that the input you give Eins is the shape you think it is.

Advanced Shape Manipulation with Sum Axes

An axis of shape (h w) has h × w values, and in fact Eins will let you write that as h*w if you prefer. Eins also supports h+w, which generalizes the notion of concatenation.


Concatenate inputs along second axis
EinsOp('b n1, b n2 -> b n1+n2')(x, y)


You can also have + signs in the input, which lets you slice and dice arrays in a readable way:

Split along axis
EinsOp('5+a b -> a b')(x)
Advanced Example: PCA

PCA, more specifically Singular value decomposition is one real-world example of when you might need this. Let's say you have three arrays U, S, V of shapes M × R, R, and R × N, which is what np.linalg.svd would return. You want to approximate the combined product, of shape M × N, by taking only the first 5 values along the R axis:

Truncated SVD
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(np.random.randn(8, 7))
truncated_rank = 2
op = EinsOp('m t+_1, t+_2, t+_3 n -> m n', symbol_values={'t': truncated_rank})
op(u, s, v)

Because t is shared across the different inputs, Eins uses that part of the split to make the output. When in doubt about how to interpret something, there's no harm in breaking it up, but this showcases the deduction ability Eins has.

Beyond Einsum

Deep learning would not be a very exciting field if the only things you did were matrix multiplication and rearranging elements in memory. Luckily, Eins supports a lot more, and moreover it does so without long docs pages of different single-purpose functions to learn.


This tutorial won't cover everything about this part of Eins: consult Advanced Eins if you want a more in-depth tour of this area of the library's functionality.

To understand how Eins represents computation, let's think about how matrix multiplication works. A matrix multiplication of two matrices M and N with shapes A × B and B × C can be broken down as such:

\[ (MN)_{ac} = \sum_{b=1}^{B} (M_{ab} \cdot N_{bc}) \]

We first combine M and N together by a broadcasted elementwise multiplication, lining up the two matrices along the B axis. Then, we eliminate the B axis by summing over all of its values. If you prefer Python, here's code expressing this idea:

Matrix multiplication as broadcasted product and sum over axis
# reshape AB to a x b x 1 and reshape BC to 1 x b x c
# then they broadcast to a x b x c
ABC = np.multiply(AB[:, :, None], BC[None, :, :])
# sum over B axis
AC = ABC.sum(axis=1)
# AC is equivalent to AB @ BC

We can generalize matrix multiplication by replacing .multiply and .sum with other functions that have the same signature. Using NumPy as an example, if you go through their API you'll find a couple functions that can be subsituted for the ones above:

Default Alternatives Signature
np.multiply np.add, np.minimum, np.maximum f(Array, Array) -> Array, with all array shapes equal
np.sum, np.min, np.max f(Array, axis: int) -> Array, removing the axis

Eins calls the first kind of function a combination and the second kind a reduction. The defaults are combine='multiply' and reduce='sum', which is why we haven't needed them for matrix multiplication.

Adding a Bias Term

Let's say we just applied a linear layer to get outputs of shape batch dim. We can apply a broadcasted sum with a bias parameter of shape dim by supplying the combine argument:

Bias Term
EinsOp('batch dim, dim -> batch dim', combine='add')(linear, bias)

This would happen automatically by broadcasting, but when broadcasting doesn't work it's often quite error-prone to manually line up shapes.

Pairwise Distance

Let's say we have batches of d-dimensional points and we want to compute the pairwise distance between points in the same batch:

Batched Pairwise Distance
EinsOp('batch n1 d, batch n2 d -> batch n1 n2',
       combine='add', reduce='l2_norm')(pts1, -pts2)

We're still using addition. Eins does not promise any particular ordering of inputs, so using combinations that aren't commutative and associative can lead to surprising problems. Negating one of the inputs is a more reliable way of computing the difference. (For some reason, it's also often faster!)

That would give us the array of vectors between points, of shape batch n1 n2 d. We want a shape of batch n1 n2, so we have to eliminate the d axis.

We do this by computing the Euclidean norm: the square root of the sum of the squares of the values along the axis. This is called the \(L_2\) norm, hence the name.

Batched Mean Huber Loss

The literals that Eins accepts are documented properly in the type system, so you should get a handy autocomplete for a name like l2_norm. The time will come when one of those options isn't appropriate, however. Eins supports various ways of supplying custom functions.

One solution is to simply pass in your own function. Combinations should have two positional arguments and output an array of the same size, and custom reductions should take in a single positional argument and either axis or dim as keyword arguments.

Batched Mean Huber Loss
from torch.nn.functional import huber_loss

EinsOp('batch out_features, batch out_features -> batch',
       combine=huber_loss, reduce='mean')(y, y_hat)

Composable Nonlinear Math

There's often a better way than passing in a custom function. We've only discussed operations that work on the level of shapes: either taking two arrays and combining them, or taking a single array and reducing an axis. There are two other kinds of operations Eins defines that don't modify the shape of the output:

  • Elementwise functions are basically just functions from real numbers to real numbers that you can batch arbitrarily. Examples are np.sin, np.abs, and np.exp. They have the signature f(Array) -> Array, and mathematically they're functions from a scalar to a scalar.
  • Transformations use an axis, but don't eliminate it. Examples are np.sort, np.flip, np.roll, and normalization. They have the signature f(Array, axis: int) -> Array, and mathematically they're functions from a vector to a vector.

Eins implements a library of these functions to go along with combinations and reductions. Combining them lets you make new functions that are easy to reason about and framework-agnostic. Passing in a sequence of operations applies them right-to-left, like functions. For example, although Eins already has 'logaddexp', you could instead pass in combine=('log', 'add', 'exp').

For combinations, you can pass in any number of elementwise operations, sandwiching a single combination operation. For reductions, we do know an axis, so transformations are allowed on top of elementwise operations and reductions. Once you reduce the axis, it's gone, so a transformation or reduction can't come after the first reduction.

Approximate Numerical Equality

It's hard to give an example for "a common function Eins doesn't support", because the hope is that Eins supports what you're likely to use! So, even if a little contrived, let's say you're interested in finding whether two arrays are all equal within an epsilon. We could (and probably should) supply a custom function, but we can instead implement it using elementwise functions: rounding answers so only values above 1 show up.

Batched Approximate Numerical Equality
eps = 1e-6
eps_apart = EinsOp('batch dim, batch dim -> batch',
                    combine=('round', 'abs', 'add'),
eps_apart(x / eps, y / eps) == 0

Softmax with Labeled Axes

Elementwise functions aren't something you generally want to use outside of composition with other functions in Eins. If you know that you're using a JAX array, jnp.sin is going to be just as clean and readable as anything Eins would provide. Transformations distinguish an axis, however, so the machinery Eins has for working with shapes makes those transformations easier to understand. Eins lets you write out transformations in a clearer way than frameworks that use indexed axes.

Consider the transformer attention operation. The Annotated Transformer gives this equation and this code for the softmax in attention:

\[ \text{Attention}(Q, K, V) = \text{softmax}\left(\frac{Q K^T}{\sqrt{d_k}} \right) V \]
def attention(query, key, value):
    d_k = query.size(-1)
    scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_k)
    p_attn = scores.softmax(dim=-1)
    return torch.matmul(p_attn, value), p_attn

It's legitimately not clear what axis scores.softmax(dim=-1) means in this context, and it's not indicated in the equation either. The Eins version clearly indicates what dimension we're applying softmax to:

Softmax with Labeled Axes
p_attn = EinsOp('batch q_seq k_seq heads', transform={'k_seq': 'softmax'})(scores)

In many applications of attention, q_seq and k_seq are the same size: there would be no indication that you were performing softmax incorrectly until things stopped working well.

When you give EinsOp an expression without an arrow, it considers your input as a single array, and leaves the shape unchanged. You can pass in a transform mapping to indicate how you want to transform an axis. Eins does not guarantee an order of transformations, so if you do use multiple transformations make sure they're commutative.

Typed Functions

Passing in strings is quick and doesn't require polluting the namespace, but it's not always easy to know what Eins allows you to write. For the price of a few more imports, you can use something closer to strong typing than string typing:

from eins import ElementwiseOps as E
from eins import Reductions as R
from eins import Transformations as T
from eins import Combinations as C

Feel free to use other names, but the analogy to import torch.nn.functional as F is a good one: these are all simple namespaces with autocomplete-friendly interfaces for accessing functions. The different functions are all dataclasses that can be serialized and inspected easily.

These namespaces support some customizations that can't be done through strings alone. For example, we can use softmax with temperature as T.Softmax(temperature=2). The l2_norm we saw above can actually be any power, so we could do Manhattan distance through l1_norm or even 2.4_norm. At that point, however, you're probably better off writing R.PowerNorm(power=2.4).

In addition, because these namespaces are typed, Eins knows what you want to do with them, and so these let you provide custom functions in more situations. Eins will only accept raw functions if they're the only input, because otherwise it's unclear what the signature is.

Next Steps

That's everything you need to get good use out of Eins! Feel free to check out Advanced Eins if you want to learn more.